Due date calculator.

Estimated Due Date is 6/30/2015
Gestational Age Today is 16 week(s), 4 day(s) or 3.81 month(s) months.
Date of Conception 10/7/2014
First Fetal Heart Tones by Doppler: 12/9/2014 to 12/16/2014 (11 to 12 w)
End First Trimester: 12/23/2014
Blood Draw for Serum Integrated Screening: 12/2/2014 to 12/29/2014 (10 w to 13 w 6d )
Nuchal Translucency (NT) Ultrasound: 12/11/2014 to 1/1/2015 (11w 2d to 14 w 2d )
Quad Marker Screening: 1/6/2015 to 2/10/2015 (15 w to 20 w)
Best time to evaluate cervical length in patient with risk factors . After :1/13/2015 (16 w)
Best time for routine anatomy ultrasound: 1/27/2015 to 2/10/2015 (18 to 20 w)
2h OGTT in women not previously diagnosed with diabetes: 3/10/2015 to 4/7/2015 (24 w to 28 w)
Anti-D prophylaxis for women who are (RhD) Negative: 4/7/2015 (28 w)
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance in High Risk Patients: 5/5/2015 to 5/19/2015 (32 to 34 w)
Screening for Vaginal and Rectal GBS colonization: 5/26/2015 to 6/9/2015 ( 35 to 37 w)
Elective Delivery May Be Scheduled for Singletons After : 6/23/2015 (39 w)


  1. wah seronoknya..bila ingat2 waktu pregnant mmg moment2 yg indah..semoga adik syukri selamat lahir kedunia dengan comelnya..:)

  2. Aku doakan segalanya dipermudahkan ye.


tengkiu for komeng.. i'll catch yuu.. ngehh..